Between mountain worlds

Your holiday apartment in Champfèr

A magnificent lake plateau and high, majestic mountains all around: the village of Champfèr north of Lake Champfèr, which is the northernmost part of Lake Silvaplana, is a small holiday paradise.

Abitaziun Prüma A4 - Champfèr
From CHF 107/Night
Abitaziun Bristol - Champfèr
From CHF 160/Night
Abitaziun Cuntainta 1 - Champfèr
From CHF 158/Night
Abitaziun Guardalej 205 - Champfèr
From CHF 150/Night
Abitaziun Trais Tschiervs D5 - Champfèr
From CHF 157/Night
Abitaziun Guardalej 756 - Champfèr
From CHF 260/Night
Abitaziun Ers - Champfèr
From CHF 235/Night
Abitaziun Trais Tschiervs D4 - Champfèr
From CHF 100/Night
Abitaziun Tretscha - Champfer
From CHF 300/Night
Abitaziun Il Proin - Champfèr
From CHF 441/Night
Abitaziun Guardalej 321 - Champfèr
From CHF 120/Night

Champfèr in the Upper Engadine lies between Silvaplana and St. Moritz and politically belongs to both towns. The Ova da Suvretta stream marks the border of the two municipalities. The transport links to other towns in the Engadine are very good.

Small but nice

In addition to a selection of restaurants and two hotels, you will also find a small grocery shop that stocks a good range of products.

We offer a selection of beautiful, high-quality holiday flats in the idyllic, quiet village in the Swiss Alps.