Full service

Rental information for owners

If you own a property in a holiday region, renting it out to holiday guests is a good option. If you are also thinking about renting out your flat and thus reducing your fixed costs through income, please contact us. We will find a suitable solution for you. First, however, we will give you some practical information.

Holiday rental

As soon as a property is placed in someone else's hands, questions and concerns arise. But with us, you don't have to worry, because we offer you a fully comprehensive, reliable service on site:

  • complete year-round care of your holiday home
  • spring and autumn cleaning before the start of the season
  • inexpensive small repairs
  • Arrangement and supervision of major repairs
  • Providing bed linen, towels, cots, etc.
  • personal reception and briefing of guests
  • Office open all year round
  • Weekend service and emergency service

Our LOGA CARD offers numerous advantages and discounts for customers and owners.

  • vollständige ganzjährige Betreuung Ihrer Ferienwohnung
  • Frühjahrsputz und Herbstreinigung vor Saisonbeginn
  • preiswerte Durchführung von Kleinreparaturen
  • Veranlassung und Kontrolle von grösseren Reparaturmassnahmen
  • Bereitstellung von Bettwäsche, Handtüchern, Kinderbetten, etc.
  • persönlicher Empfang und Einweisung der Gäste
  • ganzjährig geöffnetes Büro
  • Wochenenddienst und Notdienstbereitschaft
Professional advertising for your property

With over 30 years of experience in the Engadine, we know what we are talking about and can therefore offer you the absolute best service. With our highly frequented, advanced website with the option of online booking, we already reach many potential holiday guests.

To help guests find your holiday home quickly, we also take advantage of other great benefits of the internet, social networks and smart new technologies:

  • global reach thanks to our rental software
  • intensive advertising on Google and partner sites
  • attention on our own Facebook page as well as our Instagram account
  • advertising on relevant holiday rental sites
  • comprehensive address database with travellers in the Engadine
  • innovative technology of our software (we will be happy to explain it to you)
  • strong partners for even more reach (Caffè Chicco d’Oro, dagsmejan, Zoom by Mobimex, Wittmann MöbelwerkstättenNanea)

Since the visual also plays a role in the selection of a holiday home, we offer:

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.